Integral Movement to align efforts and stakeholders for the good of all.
“Our work in Palestine and Israel has been clear from the beginning. To work with each country separately until there is symmetry in the systems on both sides. Then both parties will come together naturally to decide what suits them best. That's the basic theoretical frame that we used in South Africa.”
—Don E. Beck
Palestine Integral Committee
The Palestine Integral Committee is a group of Palestinians who believe in aligning, integrating, and synergizing multiple elements, entities and interests in the Palestinian culture to create dynamic and comprehensive solutions to the existing complex problems.

نافذ الرفاعي
Chairman of the Bethlehem University Alumni Association.

ديما الشوَا
Palestine Integral Committee Leader, Ramallah

ميساء الجيوسي
UNRWA Consultant

لؤى القدومي
HD-Vision Broadcasting & Media Services
Palestinians receive the First Spiral Dynamics Integral Training in an Arab Country. Deema Al-Shawa organized the first SDi Level 1 training in Ramallah attended by a group of highly competent professionals. Read here...
Open Letter to Tony Blair from the Young Men and Women of Palestine. Read here...
Large Scale Integral Application
Build Palestine Initiative: How to Walk the Talk (Article in Palestine Times, the first English language Palestinian newspaper.) Read here...
Palestine Speaks in Colors: Unraveling the Deep Cultural Codes and Designing Integral Solutions with Palestinians. Read here...
A New Perspective for Palestine
In the wake of decades of war and conflict in the Middle East, the last thing the region would seem to need is another crisis... Read here...
Palestinian "Generation Y" Defines a Brighter Future. Firas, Muhamad, Ayman, Thaer and 10 other young men, are graduating this year with college degrees in Marketing, Accounting, Psychology and Computer Science. None of them has any hopes of getting a job in their respective fields. Read here...
From South Africa to Palestine, at 93.6 FM Radio Station. Dr. Beck and Legendary South African talk show host John Berks meet again, this time in Jerusalem. Read here...